Saturday, February 28, 2009
today gonna type something outother countries that is poor, had nothing to provide the citizenwhile the rich people, will just choosy.the poor people, just wanted their meals and they're content enough.while some of the rich people, when they're having their meals, they still complaining about the food.the poor people wear their clothes until it's totally tear.while the rich people just wear 1 time and throw it away?if we're at their shoe, do you think we will do this kind of act?poorer people are really very pity.I hope that the rich, will donate something for themdo some kindness. =)
blogged @ Saturday, February 28, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

blogged @ Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
really so many homework! Saturday tuition homeworkSchool Homework! Plus sunday tuition homework!how am i going to complete it? really too many!all are maths Algebra, Sets, and Matrics.English also! Composition! I really don't know where to start!Saturday tuition still no time to do my work, then sunday tuition.AH!feel like Shouting!and also Licence!Need 1 more month!just one more! OH YA!I having Barberque at Sembawang park on March 13-14Anyone is free can come!bye=)
blogged @ Saturday, February 21, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
really very sleepy nowadays. Saturday having tuition.
up next is this sunday, having tuition on subject english and maths..
SIAN!yawning...doing hmwk later. no time update picture for my reader...=0takecare my friends and reader=)
blogged @ Thursday, February 19, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
very disappointed...sigh...
blogged @ Saturday, February 14, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Hmm... this few weeks happen alot of things, which i had no time to update.School, 2 of my friends expel, due to some, studies, really tough, gonna hang on! persevere!although not enough sleep, but still got to study.just 1 more year left! nono, is Few months left! last year already! seriously no time to update or go to the bloody friendster.friends getting lesser! lol!forget it, don't feel like logging anymore=)NEXT! my 18th birthday coming, which i probably going to celebrate at Sembawang park on 14 march! who is free PLEASE COME!anyone is welcome! yea...thats all, tomorrow IF i'm free then update again=)bye readers=)
blogged @ Thursday, February 12, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
I so long didnt update my bloggy!it's like 1 week plus? so gonna have a long long post today=)hmm, how am i going to start?meet Joel and Daniel yesterday and slack.then chit-chat with them around 12amthen headed back home?and i meet my new tuition teacher!Her name called Elsie, she is my new tutor.anyone needs tuition can contact me=)next.Meet John and gary, keep having fun!see them, talk to them! and drink tea with them?enjoyed together with them...
blogged @ Saturday, February 07, 2009