Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy new year 2009!wish you all have a good health! good result! good in whatever you're in!this year will be a better year for me!Got to work extra harder! study like mad!everyone! enjoy 2009!BYEEE!
blogged @ Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

blogged @ Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Firstly, School re-open soon.A new life, a new chapter...Second thing which I wanted to blog.Facing new challedge.Life isn't much easier anymore...Grow older, facing different kinds of problem. Death, Exam, Relationship.this are facts that we human will went through...all are just the matter of time... As you grow older, you will make new friends, new environment.People you met, can probably be your BEST friends, some are just friends that made use of you.The point of view is whether how you looked at them.Not everyone can be trusted.They will be there when you needs them, not walked away and leave you there alone.They will solve the problem with you, lend you a shoulder.Some are just shit, which when you need them, they said they're busy.Or reject you straight away.Look properly at them, see each of their every true colour.From there judge that whether if they can be your friends.Readers, this is what i've experience...
blogged @ Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Army already Defer.Singpass letter had already sent to me.So actually was rotting at home.Accompany my mum to Fairprice? bought some Vegetable for tonight's Dinner.then headed back home, playing Guitar... Around evening, meet Janice and Daniel.Janice wanted me to say her pretty~LOL! chill with them at Mcdonald around 9pm.then headed back home. nothing much actually... That Bastard John, nowadays keep putting aeroplane liao!I wonder how he feel when he read this!HEY BASTARD! YOU BULLSHIT!haha!BYE
blogged @ Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008

Last Christmas I gave you my heart.
The very next day, you throw it away...
blogged @ Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Firstly, Merry Christmas everyone!to my reader especially!Secondly, Wishing everyone is in good health! Thirdly, MOST IMPORTANT!why i can't defer? can anyone teach me how? not through Singpass, I don't know what happen!FUCKING DEEP SHIT NOW!a bad troublesome ass christmas for me!bye! ANGRY!!!!
blogged @ Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
First of all, happy birthday to YinJie=)happy 17th birthday!wish you well~ next.I found a website which mostly are basic chords!for me to play music.really love that website! from there learn alot of songs!especially BEYOND laa!kinda my idol! i love them so much!and third things isI GONNA START SCHOOL SOON!gonna be much happier then this year!I'll work hard! study well! then POLY!gonna do it! no more fooling anymore!hahahahah! SO HAPPY! BYEEEE!
blogged @ Sunday, December 21, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
blogged @ Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
tomorrow will be taking n level result. wishing everyone goodluck=)after tomorrow, a new chapter begins.people leaving, some probably you won't get to see them anymore.a new journey begin. nothing to do!all day dreaming=)bye all!
blogged @ Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I love DYNO RUN!today went for inspection for Dad's lorry crane!hmm...573 horsepower17000Capacityfor me is a very COOL stuff! because hardly can see truck on a dyno run!then all are my dad's friend! so had a little chit chat session with them.what they said is true, my dad's work is very tough, unlike others.Crane isn't a easy job, although driving excavator is a very easy stuff for me.Crane needs experience, if not will cost someone's life.scary isn't it?so today i was like sleeping whole day inside the truck?my dad's friend shocked! they thought that no one is inside the vehicle!2 more days and N level result gonna release.good luck to them!and MYSELF!HAHA!! byeee
blogged @ Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
I saw her twice!first time was at MRT station, guess she was with her cousin or sister.Then second time was at Causeway point, i saw her back view and looked very familiar.when she turns around, i was STUNT! i saw again!that time i was with Hui together, so Hui has actually planned to stalk hershe walked very fast to cold storage just to buy a water.and Hui took a carrier with him, i asked him for what take the carrier.he said if we stalk her, we looked very natural!and he first took a shampoo! and then when she was paying at the counter, Hui asked me if i wants to buy some sweets!I decided not to buy and walked away! I was so dumb! i should have bought it!until now, I didn't have any trance to find her!READERS! IF YOU HAVE A FRIEND THAT : carrys a poker dot bag!: hair very long: around 17-18 : height around 159-162cm: have an Ipod touchPLEASE ADD ME MSN!prohang91@hotmail.comTHANKS!
blogged @ Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
4 more days to collect our N level results.wishing those N level student will pass :)Nowadays watch Steven lim's video, seriously wondering why we singapore have such a shameful person!doing those stupid thing in youtube, really 'polluting' youtube!then today i read chinese newspaper, It's Steven Lim again!saying about him and HIS GIRLFRIEND!doing the *CenSoR* stuff...haha!plus i added him in MSN, he seems to be not online.waiting for him to online.ANDi know a new friend from indonesia.i forget to ask her name, if she online I will ask and tell my readers!byeee!
blogged @ Sunday, December 14, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
today gonna post something which is quite embarrased to my dad.I knew my studies is not like other people, scoring very well.I'm those kind that is average or sometimes bottomline.One day, my dad's friend asked me what was my educational level.this question made me think twice, so my dad said that i was at secondary 5,but the fact that I'm only secondary 4 as i retain for my N level.this makes me totally embarrased and speechless.this is the first time that i makes him so embarrased.Seriously I damn unhappy, not he lie, but myself.I really put in alot of effort, yet not the way i want.thats all for today's post=')bye readers...
blogged @ Saturday, December 13, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
today quite happy!My uncle came out from *censor* today!so happy!seriously VERY happy!i bought him ALOT of coffee! hahaha!but it's alright! BYE!
blogged @ Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
To everybody in the world.there is up and down in our life, Just that what problem you're matter what happen, face it and solve the problem.nothing is unsolved.same goes to relationship, family problem.although everytime quarrel with your family for nothing.but end of the day, things will still solve.I read one post on the internet, that is this child's parent had die early.she is only 10 years old, nobody helps her and she had to collect cans and old newspaper from those rubbish bin, sometimes she is being scolded from the police that she is taking government's property, HOW FUNNY! you know she is poor, yet you police is heartless.till now she is just 15, doing the old same thing, just to fill up her stomach, yet you have no kindness...thats all...
blogged @ Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
This few nights I've been thinking.Should I let it go? or not?Probably all this while I'm the dumbest onekeep smsing, calling, asking.I knew that she won't reply my sms.but yet I still sms her...haha... I indeed very stupid.really... I knew it. yet still do it.I wonder if she reads, what will she thinks?no effect? or just know it and forget it?Guess letting go is the best choice for me.from now onwards, won't be sms-ing.asking or calling anymore.But seriously, its impossible for me not to worry about her.but she's not mine? think so much for what?what is yours, it's yours.if is not your's, no matter what you do will gone to drainmaybe from starting I shouldn't had even know her.really... probably now I won't have this trouble...god really fool me out. a BIG joke for me.
blogged @ Sunday, December 07, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
hMM!!!so long didn't update!!!working till no time to write!many things happen nowadaysPLUS N level result going to release soon!wish those N lvl candidate good luck!just very very tired lor.sorry ah, just damn broken englishmy brain cannot think anymore liaoreally tired till jialat!hahahahbye
blogged @ Wednesday, December 03, 2008