Thursday, November 27, 2008
just finish my dinner.what should i post today?nothing much to updated...probably i just woke up.and my brain is not working properly=(I'll try updated ASAPbyebye
blogged @ Thursday, November 27, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008 better if life would so bird flew anywhere without restrictlike fish swim in the deepest better if life doesn't need anything?take whatever you need.take whatever you wish for.haha...all are just dreaming good if all this are real?i guess this would Never happen...haha.. dreaming away to my island!bye...
blogged @ Monday, November 24, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
today i wanted to post something which I've gone through when i was in K1 to p3should be a long post i guess.Since K1.I didn't had a better life than any other kids.I was in a poor family.What kids wanted is toy and parent's lovebut mine, is totally opposite.True that i had parents love.but for money, we didn't have parents worked very hard just to have a better living.and we knew that parents will work extra harder if we needed when I was a kid, i don't asked for much thing.till to primary one, my dad went to jail.because the family needs his support.the job he worked doesn't gave him enough money.and he went to do something...Since primary one till primary three.this period of time.I didn't have dad's love.I don't blame him anything.Because I knew that he is doing for the my mum works very hard. working in a very high temperature for the people to eat.worked everyday, except monday.she would always sleep until evening then she woke and my sister always hoping to buy new clothessince my dad goes to jail.we didn't buy any clothes then...imagine $50 dollar keeps the the family 1 week.indeed we're poor.people looked down on us.but we don't care.when we visit my dad at Queenstown is a hard tough trip to there.straight after school, I take bus to find my mum.then faster grab something then cab to prison.everytime we had to beg the officer as we're late.the officers is kind too, and let us visit him.every visit I'll cried.because thought of him losing his freedom and 20 months in prison.For family.this sacrifice is too big for him.Mum always hold her tears.Sister too...20 minutes visit means alot to would act nothing in front of us.but he is worried for us too.everytime saying goodbye is a difficult task for us.simply can't bear to say out.i would look to his backview carefully.until he walked back to prison.this is when i would cry out and no words to be spoken.this thing gone through 20 months.till the day he came out.i hugged him tightly.very would never let go again...hardly i can imagine that he leaves again.lifes hard seriously...thats all I wanted to post...bye=)
blogged @ Saturday, November 22, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
readers who knows me.i going to change my Handphone number=)so don't call the old number anymore=)nothing much to updated...bye
blogged @ Thursday, November 20, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
YES! so happy!elder sis bought me an Ipod Nano 8gb mp3lots of function inside! OMG!damn ass happy!but quite complicated to use.still can learn! alright?HAHAH!i shall upload the photo that i took tomorrow!HAPPY!your voice resembles music.which i simply can't live without it=)
blogged @ Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008

nothing much to say...
today wanna upload some funny photos!
blogged @ Sunday, November 16, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
nothing much happen today=)just wake up in the morning.Collect some statement for company.then back, and meet Huey!KFC, fast food again!but long as can see her.alright! then walked around...sent her take bus...then back home...tired..i love know?
blogged @ Saturday, November 15, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008

Genting trip cancelled.
Due to some reason.
deeply sorry to those that i've called them to genting
so today treats Pearlyn.
Sakae Sushi.
did promise her to treat her
with her friends too!
quite friendly too=)
Pearlyn gonna be fat!
eat so much!
well, i eat a little=)
so today was actualy planned to treat her=)
and finally i took photos with her!
blogged @ Friday, November 14, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
This day finally comes!tomorrow i'll be going to Genting!probably around 6pm+ 7pm!Can't wait any longer!i must take lots of photo!share with my readers!YES AH!erm, today watch movie right after my favourite food!Hui's treat!watched Madagascar!with Cecil, Hui, Jason!keep laughing non-stop!go watch! haha!
blogged @ Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Do you all ever think of what you want in future?everyone has their own goal, which we're walking towards.Life is not easy, difficulties throughout your life journey.walking towards your goal, reach it.and eventually you're counted as success.but some people are just wanted to get their goal in a fast waydoing some dirty action to get their goalswhich is likely that people will loath you.everyone needs to walk the bridge.every end of the path, there is a light shining.reach for the light, and you're done=)meaning that you've found your reader, reach for your goal.hope everyone is success=)
blogged @ Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I'm sick of living this freedomno moneyno everything.what people have.i have non.Every adult keep saying that they knew what we're thinking.but does they know what we actually needs?Parents don't ask their child.Parents knew that this way is good for childbut does they know overboard will eventually harm a child?we didn't learn bad habits.we didn't outlaw.restrict will make things worst.Parents, PLEASE ask your child what does them really wants.
blogged @ Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Anyone teach me how to post video on blog!add me MSN! prohang91@hotmail.comi still waiting...keep on waiting
blogged @ Monday, November 10, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Time for me to blog.actually i have nothing to blog?just random-.-so well, what should i said?hmm... today i thought that it was i went back home early as i wanted to watch 'wind & cloud'and so actually that today was saturday.meaning that i was so stupid that i didn't realise it!and i was actually planning to meet my secondary school friendsas its been long time that didn't see them=)kinda sorry that i didn't meet you all.hoping everyone is fine and meet up soon as we're free=)I've been posting my bloggy for around 1 yaer.i still don't know if anyone is reading my blog.If nobody reads my blog.thats mean my blog is COLD~thats all for today=)BYE readers!BAH!would i have chance?i still waiting...
blogged @ Saturday, November 08, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Tired + Tired = VERY TIRED!basketball at 515.with alots of basketball like bullshit!kena upper cut.then elbowlike stunt~ HAHA!but nevermind!count it as experience!waiting for next friday!Malaysia Genting!Cecil, Warren, Jason, John!yea! coming lo! coming lo!nothing much to update today.Reader, takecareI still never give up=)waiting...
blogged @ Friday, November 07, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008

Went to Upper thomson to eat.
the prata house!
with my bestie!
so long didn't upload picture!
see if i have pictures to upload?
sorry readers if you're bored looking at my pictures=)
guess only 1 pic to upload=(
blogged @ Thursday, November 06, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
it's been weeks that i didn't really updating my bloggy=)friends are important in everybody's lifefriends can influence you really muchwhether you're good or bad.friends is always the one whom teachbut when you're in need.friends is always the one whom is beside youfriends are easy to findbut REAL friends are hard to get.real friends are friends that are willing to share your burdenwhenever you need them, they will be there for youI've real friends.they are one whom treat me backstabbingthey're good.but who knows that when would we break up?or probably who leave us first?i do cherish everybody.hoping that none of us will happen real friendstakecare=)
blogged @ Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
nowadays going home lateso didn't have much time to is Noven Sim Beng Hui's birthday!wish him 17th good goodnothing would happen to him=)thanks MeiSim, JiaMin and Alice=)for buying him cake and present=))probably tonight going to pool.HAHAH!yesterday played guitar till around 10pm?then headed to Noven's home.played computer games.hotel626.www.hotel626.comreader, go try=)
blogged @ Monday, November 03, 2008