Saturday, August 30, 2008
Rain in the morning.had breakfast with dad.then after noon nowhere to go!probably staying at home i N level 2 days!=)workhard!
blogged @ Saturday, August 30, 2008
Morning went to meet Janice for Breakfast.Had KFC with her.then went to coffee shop to chat with her.she told me so many pretty girl.but non of them can intro!zZzthen afternoon went to study.thanks her for teaching me=)maths especially.Graph.and angles too!then met her mum and chat!talk, crap! and booked her for Mahjong games.after N, gonna 'SWIM'i don't want to look back.i've walked out of the dark.Control. YUHANG you can do it! =)
blogged @ Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008

blogged @ Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Probably had played too much basketball.Injured my backbone and muscles.can't even sit straight and stand straight.went to damn freak PAIN!4 needle near my backbone2 needle at my knee.i don't know why the needle needs to put at my knee when my backbone is in great pain! studying? and still studying.this few days had not really sleep well.only a few hours =(not going to school tmr!wad ACES day? haha! 4 days of HOLIDAYFri, Sat, Sun and Mon!tmr meeting my primary school teacher lo!hope weather is fine!and hope that everyone can make it!BYE
blogged @ Thursday, August 28, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
1 More week to N lvl!STUDY LO!=))
blogged @ Monday, August 25, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
HOHOHO!YES!next friday finding my primary school form teacher yea!meeting her at AMK hub i guess?she told me yesterday said that she will be free after 4pm!so we're gg to find her!yesterday slack with Jie Xian, Ding Cheng, Shahrin, and duno wad name?slack till around 12am +then headed back home.before headed back home. pakc food for mum and sis.sian.anyway, going out now. bYE
blogged @ Saturday, August 23, 2008
Morning went to find WanTing.followed her to church at dhoby ghout.which near Cuppage.the church there is nice =)their singspraition is like simply concert!jump here and there!Sing loud! haha!then get to know some friends?quite friendly =)then headed home around 4pm.on the way there and back is so tired.luckily Shahrin helped me put Metal Slug game at my PSP!thanks to him so much!Yesterday slack with Shahrin till around 9.30pmthen Jeremy and Junwei come and find me=)headed to Admiralty 7th floor.saw ppl roller blading! doing stunt and stuff!pretty cool.then yesterday headed back home till around 12am!with a pack of HL fresh milk on my hand!HAHAHAHA!teachers day coming!i miss LIAN HEE HEE!!! my former primary school form teacher!gotta see her!byeee!
blogged @ Saturday, August 23, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Friday again! so fast!now erm... nothing to do.probably meeting XiuLing later! so long didnt see her alralmost half a year liao! wahaha!Sian! prelim fail all the subject!like hell seh!today duno why kinda HIGH! and bored laa~then played guitar just now.yesterday do my homework with Kenneth, Thawat, Jackson, John and Chun around 11pm then all headed back home.this week keep study.really tiring, and not enough sleep.this week almost late everyday!haha!ok. stop here then =)BYE
blogged @ Friday, August 22, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
HOHOHO!N lvl coming in 2 weeks time!to those who is taking N lvl this year!all the best!well... study study study!later probably meeting shahrin later to study!haha! well. stress too!but when study during class feels like sleeping!just now just slept at chemistry class!okay! gtg! bye!
blogged @ Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Don't know what to say nowdon't know where to startI don't know how to handlea complicated heartYou tell me you are leavingbut I just have to saybefore you throw it all awayEven if you want to go aloneI will be waiting when you're coming homeif you need someone to ease the painyou can lean on me, my love will still remain Don't know what you're thinkingto me it seems quite toughto hold a conversationwhen words are not enoughso this is your decisionand there's nothing I can doI can only say to you Even if you want to go aloneI will be waiting when you're coming homeif you need someone to ease the painyou can lean on me, my love will still remain I will still love you when tommorrow comesIf this is your decisionwhen you need someone to ease the pain
blogged @ Saturday, August 16, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Morning around 8.30am went to study with Wan ting and accompany =)then i was late because yesterday went to play basketball and Muscle tear.with Ah seng, Mun boon, Ronny, Yong Wei, John and Sab.haha! VS woodlands Ring player!play with them then after that went home and reach home ard 11pm ++too tired le!no mood to talk nor typeprobably study again =)))bye!
blogged @ Friday, August 15, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
It's been a LONG LONG time that i didn't updated my BLOG!kind of rusty now?haha!Exam for didn't really have time to update!later probably meeting Xinni to find germaine.then night finding cousin's friends to play basketball!just blink.and it's friday again!so fast! now alr mid august.soon Sept, then Oct. and after that new year again.time always passes so fast that we couldn't even remember the happiest time we had.would it be better if time had really slower down by few years? or even minutes?OR even 1 single sec?just to let us remember something thats important.or probably rewind to the time that we've really enjoy.ok. end herebye!
blogged @ Thursday, August 14, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008

yesterday primary school gathering!
so happy to see them!
Jia Qing
Yan Ping
meet at causeway point. then Headed to Banquet!
eat! slack! chill...
then back home and change to basketball gear!
played basketball with Jia Qing, JieXian, Ming Hong, and Ding Cheng!
haha! played until lights off!
then headed back home!
then after that 11pm+ went out to have my supper with John.
thanks for accompany me!
and your drinks too!
then back home to watch Olympic Basketball!
USA vs China
haha! expected alr...
then dad coming back home frm CHEENA!
waiting him to be back!
blogged @ Sunday, August 10, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Happy National Day!today is 8 august 2007 ( saturday )which i've nowhere to go?wahaha!KengYang.Happy 17th birthday =))and thanks for your BBQ!sorry for not 'BUYING' any ticket anyway. N lvl coming!work hard work hard!!!!! 1 more month to go!JieTing, When are you going to Online???bye
blogged @ Friday, August 08, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008

Happy national day!
tmr Keng Yang's celebration of his birthday!
hope won't rain...
Hear of the news of her...
heart suddenly sink!
i also dunno how to say.
just feeling sad.
meet adeline for breakfast=)
then headed school...
Run with Principal 1.6km!
Sweat like hell!
then night meeting Sebas, Xubin, Jacky, Keng Yang, WeiYang and Noven.
chat with them.
then reach home ard 10pm+
haiis! DAMN SIAN!
anyone out there wanna go out?
blogged @ Thursday, August 07, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
SIAN! cant defer army.must wait singpass... haha...nothing much, Bye...
blogged @ Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Sunday, August 3, 2008
staying at home all day. no where to go...Yesterday around 12am then reach home.everybody. see this video =)
blogged @ Sunday, August 03, 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Today Flag day.Simply Slack all the one would wanna Donate to us.till that we stand like a statue, waiting for ppl to give us.we went forward and yet nobody wanna donate.but when we stand there doing nothing.people suddenly donates!We people only think that Money is important.but there is people out there who really needs our help.when those ppl who is sit on wheel chair ask you for donation.PLEASE donate to them.It's difficult for them to ask Donation from us.their limbs makes them alr a problemit needs alot of encouragement for thembecause they put in their effort.asking Donation under the hot sun.i hope we ppl understand them...thanks... nothing much to said.
blogged @ Saturday, August 02, 2008