Saturday, May 31, 2008
When login to blog, there is some bug? When to Kranji to have breakfast, then saw a girl quite pretty! guess its around my age! LOl! I'm so tired! plus diarroea! duno wad i eat! URGH!no mood! bye!
blogged @ Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008

Its time to pull up my sock.
Next week onward must buck up! can't afford to fail anymore...
well... Today nothing happen, maybe going out to meet friend during evening time i guess?
eat breakfast with Noven that FcuKeR~
blogged @ Friday, May 30, 2008
Raining day...Finding my cousin later for ball games...before that attend Yuan's Birthday..HAPPY BIRTHDAY YUAN!Noven went to my house and SLEEP! and i SLEEP TOO!Cooling weather so nice! BYEEE
blogged @ Friday, May 30, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
this is what i read from my cousin's blog.STEPS OF HOW TO KNOW A UNKNOWN GIRLItem needed: 2 handphone ( with SIM card insert )1: you must know where the girl alight2: you must alight before her3: purposely dropped the phone beside her4: once you get off the bus, immediatly call the phone 5: she answered and request her out to return the phone to you6: ask for her number so that she could find youDING DING! THEN YOU KNOW A GIRL! LOL!quite useful i guess? try it out few times!IF sucess, TAG MY BOARD! BYEE
blogged @ Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Cover your ear
So that you can't heard people yelling for help
Cover your eye
So that you can't see bloody scene all over...
blogged @ Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Today went to school for holiday studies...
Study so bored, yet is a MUST!
morning eat Mcdonald as breakfast with Ping hau and jianhui
then afternoon eat pig trotter with jian hui again!
i've keep eating and yet no effect! i don't know when i will grow fat?
Holiday studies last for 2 weeks, then after that we got 2 weeks of holiday.
Where to go? anyone out there like to go out with me? TAG MY BOARD!
i've nothing to say! BYEE
blogged @ Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
blogged @ Sunday, May 25, 2008

but need to go back for holiday studies... so tiring
Dad coming back from Hospital. Sis fetching him. Raining in the morning when i was on my way to eat my breakfast. SO TIRED!
anyway, i've created Skin for my phone! name 'Paul'
i'm so tired right now.
blogged @ Sunday, May 25, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Visiting my dad later...not free todayBYEE
blogged @ Saturday, May 24, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
I got LOTS OF THING tO WRITE NOW!Went to visit Winnie at Hospital, With Gary, Hui, Gary's god-sister and 2 other girls. then the social worker came and talk to Winnie, about sending her to Hostel, or Home? well, me and Hui reach there around 2.30pm and leave there around 5pm, Winnie borrowed me 2 comic books! Master Q! Then we cabbed home. On the way back, the F*cking taxi driver drive DAMN slow till i wanna vomit! Plus the toll keep increasing! Makes me heart attack!soon reached home, Mum told me there is a parcel which was mine and that was the present which Cake owe! On the Parcel she wrote 'hope you like it', and i damn like it!then around 6.30pm, went to find my cousin for Basketball, then started at 8pm, ended at around 10pm, after that Cousin asked me whether wanna play Pool or billiard at Bukit Timah, and i followed him with his friends. played till around 3am, then had supper... then drove home.reach my cousin house, Straight away sleep! damn tiring that day! slept around 4plus then woke up at 8am! dad called me said that the worker are coming up to fix the Air-con and they fix until around noon 1pm. Dad going for operation, Sis followed my dad and i followed my mum to hospital at night, then maybe reach home at midnight again i guesS?I'M GOING CRAZY!BYEEE
blogged @ Friday, May 23, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Life getting suck!
My mid-year grade is at the bottomline... nothing special
well... this saturday getting result?
Call my parent go?
or not?
blogged @ Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Finding Noven to eat FRENCH FRIES!byee
blogged @ Sunday, May 18, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
forget to blog yesterday.yesterday happen lots of things1stMum and my auntie quarrel with one Malay auntie.just because the malay auntie cut my mum's Q...that how funny can~2ndaround afternoon, went to find NovenSlack with him.then called Jia Qing the muscle man!then slack till around 8pmwe went home...Today.wake up around 11 pluseat Breakfast with dad.I'm sneezing since i woke up.LOLthats for all...Finding Noven later i guess =)bye
blogged @ Saturday, May 17, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008

I see this picture, there is alot of meaning in this picture
This is the band of Beyond. Vocalist had die when he played some games in Japan comedy show.
He was Talented, sing song with feels. every single word holds meaning.
Its a wasted when a talented Singer leave...
When i saw this picture... alot of things came into my mind, which is unspoken...
Life is short.
every single second.
Cherish it...
blogged @ Friday, May 16, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
So tired... today no schooling due to some reason for school i guess...Just finish watching 'young and dangerous'. eyesack suddenly so heavy, feels like i'm going to dozen went to pay some bills, then deposit some cash... then headed back home. nothing else. i'm too lazy to update pictures, maybe this coming saturday then i'll updated yea?? =)I'm tired and lazyyyy~ BYEEE
blogged @ Thursday, May 15, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Just came back frm malaysia. So tiredI don't feel like going but mum keep forcing me to go! so damn loads of stuff. Bread, Rice, Noodle! everything! well, i will upload pic on this coming wednesday.i'm tired... BYE
blogged @ Sunday, May 11, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
Played basketball yesterday, was having great fun!but some SHIT annoying sucker just spoilt the mood!just a basketball, say until wad G8*G stuff! but really enjoyed playing with those philipino!Jason, Takecare yourself!bYee~
blogged @ Friday, May 09, 2008
Sunday, May 4, 2008
well, today having some fun i guess.early morning at around 8am plus went to malaysia, with dad. He asked me to follow him and had our breakfast inside. We had pork trotter and pork rib soup, and i ate 3 bowl of rice! unbelievable!then back at afternoon, having jammed at custom. reached woodland at around 1pm plus.then went to nearby coffee shop and packed food for mummy. mum finished her food, and prepared all her things, we went to temple. Guess wad? i slept inside the car for whole 2 hrs! the weather was HOT! and the aircon makes me sleepy! like some sort of medicine makes me sleepy~back home then, writting blog... later still gonna accompany my sister to had her dinner~ tired ar!!!!I miss you, Do you?
blogged @ Sunday, May 04, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008

Studied with ChingHuey, she bully me like hell!
draw my phone.
paste sticker on my phone.
see my EZ-Link card photo.
Scold me alot of dumb!
she cut her hair until so short! almost can't recongised her!
sitting at the mcdonald, study study study~ alot of subject ar!
Exam period, very very bored.
end here. BYE
blogged @ Friday, May 02, 2008